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  • Bronze Young Ambassador Conference 2022

    Tue 29 Nov 2022

    A group of Y5 children had a great day at Sheffield EIS learning how to become a young ambassador for health and sports in school. Here’s a brief description of what they got up to… 

    Travel Ambassadors: We designed a t-shirt, listened to a song about crossing the road safely and learned about activities we could do in school.  

    Health Ambassadors: We learned how to promote health and wellbeing in school. One of our activities was a relay race that involved putting tennis balls on a line of cones. 

    Media Ambassadors: We took photos of others doing their activities. Then, we used the photos in iMovie and made a mini video. 


    Sports Ambassadors: We did archery, speed stacking and some teamwork exercises. We learned activities we could use in our own events in school. 

    In the afternoon, the children participated in some fun and exciting activities like body zorbing and ice skating. 


    Here are a few quotes from some of our BYAs: 

    George – I learned how to be a sports ambassador. I loved the body zorbing because it was fun. 

    Summer – It was fun! My favourite part was the ice skating because I got to push and glide like I have done before but I think got better at it. 

    Ruby – I liked the games we played and learning what to do. My favourite part was the ice skating. 


    Take a look at some of the photos in the gallery.

  • Y4 Magna 2022

    Fri 04 Nov 2022

    To begin our new Physics topic ‘Electricity, the Tigers class enjoyed a fabulous day out at Magna. In 6 small groups, we competed to see who could dry a fairy dress the most. Each group had to make a variety of simple and parallel circuits whilst adding a range of apparatus like dimmer switches, buzzers, bulbs and a fan. We had a great time investigating which materials were either insulators or conductors. Skey said "The workshop was really interesting. I didn't realise that water could conduct electricity!" Jack B said "The workshop was my favourite as I liked making the circuits."

    After this, we investigated the four pavilions Earth, Water, Fire and Air. There was lots of interactive learning and many opportunities to get hands on with the equipment. Benjamin thought Magna was really good and the fire tornado was magical. 

    We had lots of information to find to complete our quiz sheets but Eddie and Alex did an amazing job to find the most details. 

    The Big Melt was very exciting and there was lots of sparks, flames and fire to see along with the history of how steel is made. Charlotte enjoyed this as it helped her to learn about the past. Ernie really enjoyed the fire and Alex said "The Melt made me feel really scared but excited at the same time." 


    Take a look at the photos in our gallery
