NJS Safeguarding Statement
Safeguarding, including Online Safety, is a key priority at Northfield Junior School. We take our responsibility very seriously and aim to keep all children in our care as safe as possible. Policies, procedures and risk assessments are fully in place to ensure the safety, welfare and care of our pupils both in school and out of school. Governors play a vital and proactive role in monitoring school policies and procedures and ensuring they are robust and effective.
Parents should be aware that under the 2004 Children's Act, we all have a duty of care to children. Our school is required by law to take any reasonable action to safeguard our pupils. In cases where the school has reason to be concerned that a child maybe subject to or at risk of ill treatment, negligence or other forms of abuse including Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) and risky online behaviour, we are obliged by law to follow the procedures established by the Derbyshire Safeguarding Board and this may involve a referral to Starting Point and Social Care.
Reporting a Safeguarding Concern
A safeguarding concern can be reported to any staff member, the staff with specific responsibility for this area are:
Mr Walmsley- Designated Officer for Safeguarding
Miss Jones, Mrs Housley & Miss Burton - Deputy Designated Officers for Safeguarding
Dr C Gibbons - Governor with responsibility for Safeguarding
You may also report a safeguarding concern (including an Online safety issue), using the contact form below.
Designated Safeguarding Leads can be contacted via the School Office on 01246 413134, by using the form on our website or by emailing safeguarding@northfield.derbyshire.sch.uk (outside agencies) or parent@northfield.derbyshire.sch.uk (parents). These will be checked within normal working hours 8:30am- 4:30pm.
If you wish to contact a DSL outside of these working hours or in the school holidays please email safeguarding@northfield.derbyshire.sch.uk and a DSL will respond within normal working hours. If your matter is urgent, please contact Derbyshire Starting point on 01629 533190.
Safeguarding Policy, available on our Policies page.