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Junior School

Year 6

Welcome to Year 6!



I am so excited for September and to start some of our amazing topics! 


 In History, we are learning all about World War Two and the Battle of Britain. We will close our fascinating history topic by creating our own history museum, with the opportunity to develop our enterprise skills.  In Geography, our fascinating topic is called, 'Rivers Deep and Mountains High' and we will explore mountains and rivers across the globe as well as their formations. 


In our English lessons, we will be reading an exciting novel called Wonder by R J Palacio. Our English lessons will be based around the interesting characters and themes of this wonderful story. In Maths, we will be securing our knowledge in place value, the four operations and developing confidence when calculating using fractions. We will also be developing our arithmetic and reasoning skills.


Maths and spelling homework will be set and marked every Monday. I also encourage you to read every night and take part in our Reading Challenge! Every time you read, please record it in your reading record for me to see what books you have been reading at home. 


Don't forget to learn all of your times tables up to 12 x 12 and log on to Spelling Shed and TTR on a regular basis.


Our PE days are Tuesday and Friday. 


I am really looking forward to working with you this term! 


Miss Tuck  
