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Junior School

Year 4

Welcome to Year 4!


This term in Year 3 and 4, we will be learning about the early history and prehistory of Britain, through the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age. We will visit Creswell Crags, one of the most important prehistoric archaeological sites in the UK, before thinking about how to display our learning in our own museum.


We will also be thinking like archaeologists in Science, looking at rocks and soils before moving on to magnets and forces. In Geography, we will consider our own impact on the planet and how to live more sustainably.


In English, our writing will be based on Stone Age Boy and Stig of the Dump, after looking at different types of riddle.


We will learn about the bible and religious festivals in RE, and in PSHE will explore emotions and relationships.


 Homework is due on a Friday, and as always we'd love to see lots of reads in reading records.


PE days- don't forget to come in your Northfield PE kit on those days. Also please keep an indoor pair of shoes in school in case it is wet weather. 

Leopards: Monday* & Tuesday 

Lions: Monday & Thursday

Tigers: Monday & Tuesday plus Outdoor Learning on Wednesdays


Don't forget to follow us on Twitter @northfieldjun to see what we get up to! 


Miss Jones, Mrs Mallaband, Mr Mears and Mrs Robins

*Swimming information will be sent separately

Term 3 Spellings

