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Junior School

Creswell Crags 2023

Year 3 were very excited to go on their first trip at Northfield to Creswell Crags. It was a really foggy morning when we set off on the bus but the fog soon cleared and we had lovely weather. 


When we arrived we were split into three tribes for the day, the reindeer, the wolves and the hyenas. We all went off to do our fun activities. 


The activities we did were visiting Mother Grundy's Parlour, a small cave in the gorge. We looked at different Stone Age artefacts and made some music in the cave as well. He had to wear hard hats in cases we bumped our heads. Connor, our cave guide was really fun and told us lots of facts. 


Another activity we did was visit the museum to see what one looks like and we looked at some rock samples and sorted them into sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic. This was good preparation for our topic on rocks next term. 


The final activity we did was Survival Skills- we learnt how hard it would have been to be a Stone Age person. We tried to build shelters from sticks and animal skins, we tried to light a fire and we even hunted a bison! 


All in all it was a fantastic day, all of the children really enjoyed it and were excellent ambassadors for Northfield.


Take a look at the photos here.
